The regeneration of Prince Bishops Place was granted planning permission on 3rd July 2024 following a detailed consultation period in 2023.​
Whilst nothing will happen in the near future, Citrus and its partners will now plan for progressing the redevelopment and discussing with stakeholders to bring the scheme to fruition. Whilst planning is a key milestone, there is still a great deal of time and work needed to move forward to the next phase.​
​The foreseeable future remains business as usual for the great lineup of tenants, their staff and customers at Prince Bishops Place and we continue to add to the line up and offer in the centre. There are some exciting events and activity planned and we continue to gear up for a great summer, then onto Christmas and repeat for next year.

The proposed regeneration of Prince Bishops Place comprises a partial demolition and part new build, approximately 50% of the existing structure is retained including the multi-storey car park.
The new development will be focussed above mall level with the current ‘book ends’ of the scheme retained onto Market Place and Saddler Street. The new build development will create flexible retail units at Mall level as well as a new public square / events space facing south across the river and City. Above the newly created commercial floor space will sit 408 student beds and a hotel, whilst the car park will continue to serve the development.
Discussions are already underway with both existing and new tenants for the revitalised retailing space upon completion of the development and we will continue to provide updates as the timeline becomes clearer.