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Site Location Plan


Prince Bishops Place is a two acre site occupying a uniquely prominent position high above the River Wear, to the north-east of the peninsula, offering stunning views of Durham Castle and Cathedral. 

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Site Location Plan

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22657-8010 - Prince Bishops - Historic England Presentation -14.jpg

Pedestrian routes through Durham City Centre

The current scheme is occupied on its lower levels by the Prince Bishops Car Park with large format retail units arranged above, along High Street; a V-shaped street which is accessed to the north-west from Silver Street and the Market Place and to the south-west end from Saddler Street. High Street gently curves inwards from these access points to meet at a wider circular node close to the centre of the site, turning its back on some of the city's best assets in terms of the river and views of the Castle and Cathedral. 


The architectural form of the existing shopping centre is tightly built-up, comprising predominantly 2-storey retail units with modest contemporary retail frontages along the High Street. However, due to the topography of the site the extensive main external façade facing Elvet Bridge and New Elvet Bridge attempts to break down this scale through the articulation of mock ‘castle walls’ in reconstituted stone and red brick, and the incorporation of various roof forms, towers and arches. The Durham City Conservation Area Character Appraisal itself describes this approach as appearing ‘confused’.

The redevelopment of the shopping centre offers the opportunity to both reconfigure the scheme’s retail units to meet modern operator requirements, and also address the shortcomings in the current centre’s architectural design. 


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